Liaison Network
WiSE PhD liaisons serve as representatives to WiSE-affiliated departments to promote our mission by networking within their department, advocating for the needs of students, hosting events, and encouraging event attendance and involvement. Now, more than ever, it is important to ensure that the communication pipeline between department leadership and students is in good working order to promote the welfare of students and address student needs.

Mentorship Program<span data-metadata="">
The Mentorship program aims to engage and support incoming STEM graduate students to successfully navigate and thrive in their programs by creating a supportive and encouraging community among mentors and mentees. Current WiSE graduate students (mentors) are individually paired with incoming WiSE graduate students (mentees) based on research and personal interests.
Professional Programming
WiSE PhD host a series of professional development events that provide guidance on succeeding in graduate school and beyond. We aim to encourage civic engagement among graduate students to enhance the student experience by fostering a strong sense of community and instituting leadership characteristics in WiSE graduate students.

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Social Events
WiSE PhD host social events in collaboration with the Mentorship and Programming committees to create opportunities for engagement among the WiSE graduate students. Social events include coffee hours, study groups, receptions to professional events, and outdoor activities.
PhD Timeline
The goal of this timeline is to include as much information as possible regarding the PhD path in one location organized by student category: prospective, admitted, pre-candidacy, post-candidacy, defending. The document is split according to these paths and appropriate links are provided when department-specific differences arise. This document serves as a non-exhaustive list of topics, questions, and advice to support PhD students from recruitment to graduation.